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Every life has a purpose, what is ours?

This is our life story

What does M.A.S. stand for?

M.A.S has become a stake in the ground for Live Another Way Now because those three letters mean way more than just a slogan- they represent a life that was lost to suicide.

Miguel Angel Sanchez died at the young age of 24 after taking his own life. This was a terrible loss that nobody deserved, not even him. That is why his aunt Silvia Gomez founded Live Another Way Now. She has experienced the result of suicide first hand when not only she suffered the loss of her nephew, but had to witness her sister’s grief after losing her young child.

Every child, teenager and adult that commits suicide is related or connected to someone who loves them. They are sons, daughters, cousins, nephews, nieces, brothers, sisters, friends, students, teachers- they are someone special and a part of a community that loves them... and they might not even know it. So be sure to express love and gratitude for those around you, because you never know who may feel all alone or unappreciated in this world.

M.A.S may have felt utterly alone or tired of living, but he is not alone and his life will live on in our hearts and through our mission to change lives. Live on Miguel- this is for you and everyone like you. You deserve to keep living.

The untold story of our founder.

Live Another Way Now was founded by Silvia Gomez in 2018 after losing her young nephew to suicide. Most of the time, we are so caught up in our daily lives that we never expect to lose someone so close to us to suicide. After experiencing this tragic and unexpected loss, it set Silvia Gomez on a mission to help spread the word that you never know who in your circle might be the next to make this tragic decision.
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